Parade Registration


Parade Registration is open! Go to

JOIN US! We encourage you to share the fun with Porsche friends both new & known, in Traverse City, Michigan this summer! The Grand Traverse Resort is full, and we are working with a variety of other hotels to accommodate all participants! In its 87th year, the local Cherry Festival will begin their celebration on June 29th, as those of us in PCA are enjoying the final day of our Parade. This makes a small town very busy, & rooms are filling quickly. We will post new information and lodging options as we have them available, but encourage you to browse locations of interest and reserve on your own at:

Registration for the 2013 Porsche Parade opens on Tuesday, March 12, 2013. All registrations entered by midnight Thursday, March 14 will receive equal and highest priority. There will be no paper registration. If you do not have access to the online system, call Kathleen Behrens, Parade Registrar, at 503-579-3423, and you will be able to register over the phone.

It is extremely unlikely that the Parade and competitive events will be over-subscribed (sold-out), but many of the tours will be limited in the number of people/cars we can accomodate. Sign up early to ensure you get a spot!

Prior to Registering For Parade

Download the 2013 Parade Registration guide as Word Doc or PDF

Ensure you have an account for the member-only portion of You will need to login to register for Parade. Check to see that all your information is up-to-date and current, especially your e-mail address! All pre-Parade materials are sent to you via e-mail, and are posted on the Parade website . Before you register, at the very least, you will want to know:

The easiest way to prepare is to download the pre-registration form, read through it and use it as a guide for the online registration. Remember to review the PCRs, available on both and

Registration Fees

Everyone signing up for Parade must pay an entrant fee of $159, which covers the entrant and co-entrant.

Fees for the four major competitive events are:

Entrant fees for guests are as follows:

Additional fees apply for banquet/meal tickets for selected other activities.

Advance Registration is mandatory -- there is no on-site registration during Parade. Parade registrations are not transferable. Fifty percent of your registration fee and 100 percent of your banquet fees will be refunded if your e-mailed cancellation request is received on or before June15. There is no refund for cancellations made after that time. You may make changes to your registration at any time before June 15.

Parade Check-in

Parade entrants should check in for Parade on Sunday, June 23 between 9am and 5pm. This is the only time when all the event chair-people will be all together in one place to check you in, answer all your questions, and make sure you have the banquet seats you want, pick up your meal tickets and are classified properly for the competitive events you’ve entered. And…that’s when you get your Parade goodie-bags and volunteer t-shirts. Of course it’s also a great time to run into old friends from previous Parades and start building new friendships for the week’s great events! Though late check-in is available the following couple of days, some events require you be properly checked in well in advance of the event start. See the Parade Competition Rules at for details.

Entrant Eligibility

Only registered attendees may participate in Parade activities. Entrants and co-entrants must be PCA members, but they need not be family or affiliate members.

Junior Participant Program (JPP) entrants are children, grandchildren, nieces, and nephews of PCA members who are 16 or 17 years old. College-Aged Family Program (CAFP) entrants are children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews of PCA members who are 18-25 years old. JPP and CAFP entrants are required to drive the same vehicle and in the same respective men's and ladie's classes as the PCA member hosting them.

Other guests are welcome; however, only the entrant, co-entrant, and JPP/CAFP entrants may enter the competitive events (exception: children ages 13-15 may register for the Technical/Historical Quiz). If other guests are PCA members, they must submit their own registration and pay their own registration fee to enter the competitive events.

The TSD navigator may be any registered entrant or co-entrant, except JPP participants must navigate for their sponsoring PCA member.

Car Eligibility

Automobile eligibility for the Autocross, Concours and TSD Rally is outlined in the Parade Competition Rules (PCRs). An entrant and/or co-entrant may enter up to two automobiles (thus separate cars for the concours, rally, and autocross), and only Porsches as defined in the PCRs may be registered. Entrants may participate in the TSD Rally in any Porsche that is registered for Parade (assuming it is currently registered for street-use). For the autocross, there is a limit of two drivers per automobile (unless JPP or CAFPof which the limit is four in any combination amongst both automobiles). Entrants may participate in other events (such as tours or gimmick rally) in any automobile, even if it is not a Porsche.